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But now I am wondering if Darlie is truly guilty. In June 2008, Routier was granted the right to new DNA tests. Her appeals were remanded to the state level for improved DNA testing. In 2018, the Criminal District Court No. 3 ordered a third round of DNA testing with the backing of both prosecution and defense. Routier's trial began on January 6, 1997, in Kerrville, Texas.

There was a cut at the bottom of her neck about 2&1/2 inches across. Oh and the minor cuts on one or two fingers, when she was supposedly fighting with the killer. How would a stranger know Darren was upstairs? No evidence of Darlie fighting with anyone. No bloody shoeprints, no handprints, & after 23 years, if there was any evidence to prove Darlies innocence, wouldn’t it have come out by now?
Reader Interactions
Some of you are as cruel as a “baby killer” with your comments. Thank God none of you are in any actual position of authority over this matter. I don’t know if she did it or if she didn’t, people commit crimes everyday without leaving evidence. I can say that in my opinion she never had a chance either way. Within 20 minutes of entering the home the lead detective had made up his mind that there was no intruder, simply because there was no blood in the garage? Sounds like possible typical Texas “investigating” to me.
The trial transcripts prove for a fact Darin was never implicated. Had Darlie stuck with the original lawyers she would not be on death row today, but there is a very good chance her ex husband would be there. Look, I’m the biggest supporter in the world, but it drives me nuts when other supporters say things like “the necklace had to be surgically removed.” It didn’t. There have been so many exaggerations, embellishments, and half-truths from well-meaning supporters over the years but it’s not necessary. Anyone who reads the court transcripts with a TRULY UNBIASED EYE can clearly see exactly what was done to this woman and just how wrong it really was. There’s no need to talk about necklaces being surgically removed and pictures that jurors never saw (those fuckers saw every one of those pictures, they just didn’t care).
Darlie Routier - Current Status
Darlie is now finally starting to admit that it was very possible Darin was involved, but it is going to take a hell of a lot more than that. The reason Darin was never investigated was because Darlie said Darin was not the intruder, but the evidence proves that Darlie could not have known if Darin was that intruder or not. She was not at the foot of the stairs when Darin appeared. Darin only appeared after she had disappeared to the kitchen to get the phone therefore proving Darin had no alibi. Now knowing this and realizing that the police were wrong when they assumed Darin’s story appeared to fit.

Fingerprint didn’t match anybody in the house yet never send in for testing, same with the sock. Cause it didn’t fit the narrative the prosecution was claiming. I have now idea if she is innocent or not but it is their duty to exhaust every possible scenario.
“any death on the property…”
The entire story Davis gave about this case was a complete joke. Davis acted like he knew Darin did the crime, but wanted to punish Darlie for not telling the truth about Darin. On February 1, Routier was convicted of murdering Damon. On February 4, she was sentenced to death by lethal injection. In addition, a careful reading of Linch’s testimony reveals forensic evidence under the sink that contradicts Darlie’s many stories.

It’s no way in Hell she will get out, unless it’s in a heavy duty card box. She’s where she is, because the forensics points directly to her. The idiot thought she could not only outsmart her husband and family but thought she could outsmart the police as well.
A Little House on The East Richardson Prairie That Will Surprise You
However, and this may be an important point of contention for some, though the seller does abide by the texas law that requires the disclosure, it does not explicitly draw attention to the home’s history. Opendoor put the home up for sale in august 2022 for $410,000 and made subsequent price reductions in september and november to $396,000. It was last on the market in 2006, when it was listed for $180,000 and closed for $183,000, according to north texas real estate information services records. The majority of suburban Texans judge and are afraid of anything they perceive as different. Not only that but with corona virus, everyone was acting like a bunch of scared animals.
She walked behind (initially she said “chased”) the intruder into the kitchen, backtracked to turn on the lights, then proceeded through the kitchen again to the utility room, where she picked up the knife. Then back through the kitchen again, placing the knife on the counter, then over to Damon near the family room entrance. At this point, she finally screamed for Darin. Darlie claims she then went to the kitchen drawer for towels, wet them in the sink, and took them to her injured boys. Invariably, the first response to this is, “Why would she put wet towels on knife wounds?
And few women appear to literally dance on their child’s grave and have a Silly String birthday party at the cemetery, as jurors saw in a video shown by prosecutors during the trial. I just cant believe you over-dramatic assholes who made a big deal about the grave sit birthday party. You didn’t know those kids, they did. It is like you people thirst for the death penalty and negative media coverage just to be able to point the finger at anyone.
Guilty conscience on that man, trying to point the evidence away from himself and Darlie got caught up in it. I agree completely, the prosecuting attorney office made a mess of the whole thing. It’s very obvious that her ex husband hired someone to do a robbery. I think there was more to it than that though like he owed someone money or something , because of the extent of the crime, stabbing and slicing darlie neck. Raven Skyfeather….well my my my aren’t you just the delusional twat. Darlie was convicted on scientific forensic evidence.
They prosecutors did a character assassination tactic. I wouldn’t doubt if the people that did this either know the victims. Check the DNA found under her nails and the figure print found. Newscasts showed Routier and other family members holding a birthday party at the boys' grave to posthumously celebrate Devon's seventh birthday eight days after the murders.
Afraid the dna evidence and the bloody print will set her free? Are you so blood thirsty to kill a woman when there is tons of evidence that could prove her innocent. If there is even a chance someone is innocent they should look further into it.
Darlie claimed that she fell asleep on the couch that night and both boys were sleeping in the living room on sleeping bags. Darlie's husband, Darin, and their youngest son, Drake, were both asleep upstairs. Darlie chased the attacker out of the house, picking up a knife that the attacker dropped before calling 911.
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